Presidential Golf Game Online - Play Free Fun Golf Web Games
It's time to make golf great again, folks. Join me, President Donald J. Trump, as we tackle a series of tremendous, challenging holes. Picture this: you're arriving at the course in a presidential helicopter - how fantastic is that? Adjust your swing power, take a big, bold shot, and let’s see what we can do. You'll even get to hear some hilarious dialogue from me, the greatest POTUS ever. Avoid those pesky bunkers and water hazards. Whether you love me or you don't, this online game is going to be absolutely yuge. Remember, it's a political satire parody, so don’t take it too seriously. Have a blast, folks!
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How to Play Presidential Golf Game
Tap the screen or click with your mouse.
Which US President Played the Most Golf?
The most popular sport among US Presidents is Golf. While President Joe Biden spends his time off sleeping and eating a lot of chocolate ice cream, other American presidents spent some time on the golf course. Almost all Presidents in the last 75 years have been known to hit the links at some point or another. Some are better than others, some play too much Golf (according to the American people), and some avoid the game as much as possible. Woodrow Wilson , the twenty-eighth president of the United States of America, holds the record for most rounds of Golf completed during a presidency. In six years, he played over 1200 rounds of Golf. His golfing career was sadly cut short by a stroke. Despite playing over 1000 rounds of Golf, Wilson never seemed to figure out this crazy game. Dwight Eisenhower is one of these people in the history of the game that perhaps did more for Golf than he got out of it. He is the one responsible for a putting green being installed at the White House. During his eight-year presidency, it is widely believed that Dwight played over 800 rounds of Golf. Donald Trump is known for criticizing how much golf Obama played during his time in office. During his years as President, Obama played approximately 333 times. Donald Trump is said to have the lowest handicap among presidential golfers. His handicap is reported to have gone as low as eleven at one point.
Playing Golf in your Office
Especially in TV shows and movies you might see company bosses practice their golf skills in their office, and in real life it is like that too. While the workers work their butt off, the big wigs are practicing their golfing skills on company time. Even the president of the United States, Barack Obama plays a lot of golf and time he should have been used for addressing more serious issues in this world. Obama will go into the history book not only as the first black president, but also as the president who played the most golf while in office. Obama was according to CBS News the first president play more than 100 rounds of golf while in office. By the number of times he plays, it's clear Mr. Obama enjoys golf.